What to Expect
What to expect at Talty Baptist Church is a family atmosphere that wants to connect with you. We are not perfect and are learning to love so we want everyone to feel welcome and cared for when they show up.
We believe worship is about what pleases God versus what we prefer. For that reason our worship songs communicate theological truth and prepare the heart for the Word of God. We have a multi-generational worship time that blends the various worship styles with the use of hymns, worship songs, and choruses.
We have ministries for all ages to help equip families grow in the Lord. Sunday mornings include a group study time called Lifepoints that are available for all ages. Wednesday nights are heavily focused on ministering to our kids and students and have a prayer and bible study available for adults.
Come as you are and ready to worship Christ. You will see people in shorts and in suits. No one is concerned about the dress as much as your presence. We would love to see you there! If you have any questions about your visit, you can reach out to a staff member through our staff page here.