Talty Baptist Men
We are excited about what is growing in our Men’s Ministry. We want to see men grow in their relationship with the Lord and each other through three avenues:
1. Bible Studies.
– Our Men’s Bible Study will be starting back in January of 2023 on Monday nights at 6pm. This small group time for men has been a blessing and challenging for our men.
2. Fellowships and Activities.
– Throughout the upcoming year, we have some exciting events and fellowships planned for our men. Once a quarter we have a “Men’s Meating” that is a great meal together and a testimony of how one of our men “met” God. We are also planning trips to a Rangers game and some events with other ministries.
3. Service Projects.
– Being active can produce some ministry opportunities and our men enjoy helping with projects for our church and community. If you also know of some needs, contact the church so we can find a way for our men to help out.